What to Expect

A church preaching as Christ’s apostles that faith, repentance, confession, and baptism are necessary for receiving forgiveness of sins.

A church that has Christ for her head, her saviour, her purchaser, her redeemer, and her owner. Ephesians 1:22, 23; 5:23-26; Acts 20:28; Matthew 16:18

A church that preaches the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15

A church believing and taking the bible only as its source of teaching, faith and practice. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 and 2 Peter 1:3

Everybody has problems—some big, some little, but all very real. Sometimes they overwhelm us and we can’t see light at the end of the tunnel. When they do, we need others to help us cope. God’s church is a family and, just as in the human family, we ought to help one another. The Bible says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). No, we can’t solve all of your problems, but we can help you find answers in Christ. We care enough to try.

Strange, isn’t it, that so many professed Christians place so little emphasis on the Bible? This is where we find the great truths of Jesus. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, reliable and relevant, and that is why it is the source of all our religious teaching. We have no creed but Christ, no guidebook but the Bible. We endeavour to live by the moral precepts of the Scriptures and seek to model the church after the pattern of the apostolic church revealed in the New Testament.

In many cases, the closer people live together, they less they know about each other. On the frontier everyone knew his distant neighbours, but the modern apartment dweller may not know even the family next door. Many city residents feel a deep loneliness. This doesn’t have to be! The finest friends in the world are committed Christians. When you visit us you will find a genuine friendliness. We would like to be your friends.

Some may inquire, “What are you after?” We live in a sceptical day in which many think that everyone has an angle. It is difficult to convince people that you’re not after their money. But the Apostle Paul well expressed our purpose when he wrote, “What I want is not your possessions, but you” (2 Corinthians 12:14). The church should exist to serve, not to be served. We are vitally concerned about souls — yours and ours. Jesus inquired, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26). We invite you to become a fellow seeker with us of that eternal home of the soul.

Do you sometimes wonder if anyone cares? Our world often seems pretty cold and heartless. Even relatives and friends become so preoccupied with their own affairs that they may appear to have little concern about us. We’d like you to know that as Christians we DO CARE